agroecology for resilent territories in Senegal


Agroecology for Resilient Territories in Senegal​​

Welcome to the ARTS Project, an innovative and collaborative initiative designed to support the transition towards sustainable agri-food systems in Senegal based on the principles of agroecology. By leveraging interdisciplinary research, knowledge sharing, and creative communication, our goal is to foster a systemic transformation that benefits communities, the environment, and the local economy.

Accelerating the Agroecological Transition for Sustainable Food Systems in Senegal

Agroecology holds the key to overcoming the negative impacts of the mainstream food system while simultaneously addressing multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve this, we’ve identified three main outcomes to guide our efforts:

  1. Co-design context-relevant transformative pathways for sustainable agri-food systems based on improved understanding of agroecological transition factors.
  2. Increase synergies and effectiveness of collective action and territorial governance by connecting actors, building coalitions, and negotiating a common vision for the future of agri-food systems.
  3. Improve awareness and perception of agroecology among consumers, media, producers, and government agencies, using creative and innovative advocacy strategies.

Our project operates at the intersection of science, policy, and practice, utilizing a range of participatory tools and artistic expressions to engage with diverse stakeholders. We aim to create a platform where researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers can co-create knowledge and develop context-sensitive solutions for systemic change.

By working closely with local partners and embracing a holistic approach that recognizes social, environmental, and economic dimensions, the ARTS Project aspires to make agroecology a catalyst for a more sustainable and just future in Senegal.

Join us on this transformative journey as we explore innovative pathways towards sustainable agri-food systems and contribute to a healthier, greener, and more equitable world.